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Child Life On Call: Parents of children with an illness or medical condition share their stories with a child life specialist

Feb 24, 2021

Katie, Certified Child Life Specialist interviews Shay Shull from Mix & Match Mama. Shay is a cookbook author, lifestyle blogger, travel agency owner, wife and mama who loves making every day special for my family.

Shay is mom to four kids and she and her husband live in McKinney, Texas. Today, we talk about...

Feb 10, 2021

Katie, Certified Child Life Specialist welcomes back Shani (a.k.a. Child Life Mommy) to the podcast. 

Shani is a Certified Child Life Specialist who has a private practice in Northern California  and you can learn more about her community-based program in a previous episode here. 

But, today Shani puts on her “mom...

Feb 3, 2021

Katie, Certified Child Life Specialist interviews Amanda, mom to two micro preemie twins born at 23 weeks. 

Amanda and her husband met at Baylor University and had a normal pregnancy and delivery with their first son. Their second go at getting pregnant was not as easy and included fertility treatments, bed rest and an...